It is normal for people to have some anxiety when participating in new social situations, such as going on a first date, having a job interview, or giving a speech. Some anxiety can be healthy to motivate us to perform well and try our best. Social anxiety can become more troubling when it is persistent over multiple months, causes significant distress, and when social situations are avoided or confronted with intense fear. When this happens, a person may have Social Anxiety Disorder.

Social Anxiety Disorder, (or Social Phobia) is a mental health condition where a person fears being negatively evaluated by others. Social situations cause significant distress and are often avoided. It is one of the most common anxiety disorders and often begins in childhood or adolescence.

One of the most effective ways to overcome fear is to face it! People with Social Phobia often have core fears of being negatively evaluated by others, being rejected, and/or humiliating themselves. It is inevitable that some people will reject and judge us. To a person with Social Anxiety Disorder, the social costs of these experiences are exaggerated. Experiencing these fears helps a person challenge their beliefs and learn that most people are not judging them, and when they are, the consequences are usually not as severe as a person thinks it will be. The cost of avoiding social interactions is higher than occasional negative evaluations by others.

Exposure-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) empowers a person to gradually expose themselves to feared situations that they avoid. Through repeated exposures, a person’s anxiety decreases as their thoughts and beliefs about the situation changes. While uncomfortable to put oneself in these situations, it is currently the most known effective strategy in overcoming social anxieties.

If you are motivated in overcoming social anxiety and interested in learning more, Taylor Hocking, LMFTA, SUDP utilizes exposure-based CBT in treating Social Phobia. Call 509-768-6852 to schedule a consultation.